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Under The Covers With Joybear posted on 27th January 2017

Ever wondered what it's like to be a Joybear producer? Last week I got to chat with Sam Larke, the woman who creates the magic...

1. How long have you been working with Joybear?

Nearly 5 years as a freelancer

2. What happens in a typical day on set?

As the UK crew are usually staying on set, I start by waking them up!
Then the models arrives. We fill out their legal forms and take photos of their ID, they go into make-up and have their Glamour photos done. We then spend the rest of the morning filming narrative (the drama/story parts of the film), and then we discuss the sex scenes to make sure the positions work for the lighting. We then film the sex scenes which can take from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. A typical day is around 8 – 10 hours and is pretty hectic and busy. Everyone works very hard to get everything done!

3. What's the best thing about your job?

I like that every day is varied as the scripts and stories are always very different. I also highly enjoy working with such a fun and professional crew.

4. Your job means you get to travel a lot. Do you have a favourite destination to film in?

Barcelona as they have some great locations!

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