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Playing with ice... posted on 1st January 2021

Temperature play...

We love the final episode of Slut*ish with Jane Jones (Kylie) and Sylvan (Thor). Who says monogamy can't be an adventure too? For Kylie, monogamy is just starting the adventure from a higher summit. She knows with her boyfriend Thor that if they want a quickie then they can get each other to where they need to be fast, but they also love to play games and enjoy slow sensual sex together. In this episode, Kylie and Thor are playing with ice, taking turns to tease each other with cold chunks, getting more and more turned on with their slow sex play, with the sort of knowing and chemistry that only comes with a partner that you know well. 

Have you ever tried playing with ice in the bedroom? Dulcinea Pitagora, a sex therapist known as the Kink Doctor says "When temperature play is negotiated and consented to, the brain starts preparing for a sexy and exciting experience, and basically puts nerve endings in the body — erogenous zones, but also everywhere else — on high alert for new sensations." 

Playing with ice in bed might sound intense, but bringing hot and cold fun into your sex play is simple, all you need is some ice and perhaps a glass of hot water as well. If you have a blindfold, that can take things to new levels, making the feelings even more intense. Remember to start slow though as not everyone is going to be into temperature play. Here are few tips to get started...

Safety first! Ice straight from the freezer can be damaging on sensitive areas. Let the ice thaw out in a bowl for 10 minutes before you start. As a rule of thumb, if it's too cold for your hand, it's going to be too cold for your genitals.

1. Icy Kiss - Run an ice cube around your lips and play with it with your tongue. With the slightly melted cube in your mouth, kiss your partner and pass it back and forth.

2. Explore - Use your cold mouth and tongue to explore your partner's body. If they are enjoying it consider using an ice cube in your hand as you touch their body.

3. Droplets - Hold the ice in your hand and let it drip onto different parts of your partner's body. This is a great time to blindfold them or have them close their eyes so they don't know where the next drip will fall...

4. Lick - Cool your mouth with an ice cube and then lick or suck on your partner's genitals. If you have a glass of warm water you can alternate between hot and cold which can be a seriously arousing experience!

5. Hot / Cold - Another way to use hot and cold is to lick and suck with your warm mouth and caress with a hand with some ice in.

Once you get going I am sure you can think of plenty of other ways to heat up or cool down... I'd love to hear your tips and experiences!

Stay safe. Have fun. Issy x

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