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5 Reasons To Have Sex Today posted on 19th February 2021

5 Reasons to Have Sex Today

Whether with a partner or solo, sex has so many benefits that you'd be silly not to take advantage of some intimacy today... Set aside some time, get your bedroom set up for sensuality - think a made bed, soft lighting and some privacy - and get down to pleasure to enjoy these health benefits.

Sex gives you a stronger immune system

In a study of immunity in people in romantic relationships, people who had frequent sex (one to two times a week) had more immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their saliva. People who had infrequent sex (less than once a week) had significantly less IgA.

Of course if you have sex with a number of partners, be mindful that you may expose yourself to more infectious agents, so always practice safe sex. Of course, solo sex and orgasms you gift yourself can provide you with all of the health benefits so be sure to give yourself some JoyBear Self Care as soon as possible...

Counts as exercise - Sexercise?

Sex can be considered exercise, more so sex with a partner than masturbation. Regular sex can lower blood pressure, burn calories, promote a healthy heart, strengthen your muscles (hello sore abs and thighs...) and can reduce your chances of heart disease, stroke and hypertension. 

Sex will help you sleep better

During sex or masturbation all of those lovely waves of pleasure are partly your body releasing oxytocin, a hormone that creates feelings of love and intimacy, along with endorphins from an orgasm. You know that lovely satisfied, sleepy feeling after you climax? That's partly the combination of these hormones acting as sedation. Good sleep is critical for us to be able to live our best lives - it promotes a stronger immune system, longer life, makes you feel more rested and full of energy during that day. Lack of sleep can contribute to depression and can make you prone to serious conditions such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. So if you have trouble sleeping, schedule in some sex before bed and float away to the land of nod in bliss...

Sex can act as pain relief

Especially for migraines and cluster headaches! Although if you feel a headache coming on, sex my be the last thing on your mind, it's worth a try because a study found that sex can provide partial or full relief. Some women report that at orgasm can relive period pain. The endorphins released during lovemaking are after all the body's natural painkillers. 

“Orgasm can block pain,” says Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, a distinguished service professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. It releases a hormone that helps raise your pain threshold.

Stimulation without orgasm can also do the trick. “We’ve found that vaginal stimulation can block chronic back and leg pain, and many women have told us that genital self-stimulation can reduce menstrual cramps, arthritic pain, and in some cases even headache,” Komisaruk says.

Sex improves mental health

Like exercise, sex can help reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness. Having regular sex can be a confidence booster, alone or with a partner. Some studies even find a correlation between regular sex and looking younger! Having an orgasm raises the levels of estrogen in your body, which appears to aid in the prevention of aging skin in a number of ways. By reducing the decrease of collagen, helping with skin thickness and also keeping moisture locked into your skin, this keeping skin smother and plumper. Not to mention the afterglow...

I certainly know what I'll be making time for later on...

Stay safe. Have fun. Issy x

Pictured - Luna Silver and Romeo in Calling The Shots

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