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About Us

Joybear vision

We see a world where sex is positive and not taboo. It is the reason we make erotic films designed to arouse and inspire (and with lots of kissing!).

We are also part of an industry that many turn to for sexual guidance. This is a responsibility we take seriously, which is why our core values are always:

  •   …communicate without judgement
  •   …be safe
  •   …aim for mutual pleasure

Our production ethics


At Joybear, we view chemistry as the essential element that fuels our films. One of the ways that we give chemistry the best chance is by pairing performers with people they enjoy working with.

Mutual pleasure

Mutual pleasure is our guiding principle at Joybear. We believe sex should be a shared experience, where everyone is fulfilled. In our films, we capture pleasure in all its forms - from the tender moments of intimacy to the edges of kink. Pleasure is a journey. Mutual pleasure is the destination.


From sensual love scenes to explorations of kink and fetish, we embrace a spectrum of human sexuality and encourage YOU to explore YOUR OWN desires without shame or judgement.

Women focused

Joybear is fixed on creating a space where women feel safe, seen and empowered. From our carefully curated selection of performers to our nuanced approach to storytelling, we are committed to amplifying the voices and desires of everyday women. We also put women at the forefront of our erotic storytelling. In a world where female pleasure is often sidelined or misrepresented, Joybear is committed to spotlighting the female perspective.

Safer sex

At Joybear, we celebrate safer sex. Our aim is to make safer sex normal and sexy. All the performers we work with undergo full STD testing within a maximum window of 14 days. These tests are always shared between performers prior to filming, along with the choice to work with condoms or any other protection. Safer sex isn't about dampening the mood. It’s about enhancing the experience by removing uncertainty.


The sex magic you see in Joybear movies is all down to the unique personalities of our performers and crew. The truth is the tables have turned and thanks to social media and other platforms, performers no longer ‘need’ studios like Joybear in order to make a living. So it gives us a real buzz when they choose to work with us. Our crew members also play an essential role in bringing our films to life. Our writers, directors, producers, camera operators, set designers, sound engineers, make up artists, photographers and especially our production assistants all bring their own unique voice. The overall team effort is our secret ingredient. We hope it connects you to our films and maybe even inspires you to explore your own sexual adventures.

If you are a member of this site, we thank you for supporting the work we do by paying for porn.


Keep Communicating

We understand sex can get a bit serious, which is why we’re here to remind you - keep communicating. If things don’t quite go according to plan, that’s ok (trust us, it happens). If you find yourself in one of these moments, be compassionate, patient and remain open. Try to leave any judgement at the door. Keep talking and take your time to find a path back to mutual fun.


About Justin (Founder)

British film graduate Justin Santos created Joybear Pictures in 2003 because he was tired of seeing films with people having pleasure-less sex, especially women. A series of focus groups with women and couples confirmed he wasn't alone so he applied to take part in Playboy's prestigious competition 'Head to Head' - a one-off reality TV show created to find the next biggest erotic filmmaker. He won the show and promptly set up Joybear Pictures. His goal was simple. Make adult films fun.

British film graduate Justin Santos created Joybear Pictures in 2003 with a simple
goal: Make adult films fun.

Awards and mentions

Joybear's Mission

We see a world where sex is positive and not taboo. Joybear is working to create that world. It’s why we produce erotic films with a more natural approach to sex...and lots of kissing. Sex can sometimes be confusing. We believe that no matter your preference, you (and anyone else who wants to play) should be safe and have fun always.

Sex is sometimes funny and not always perfect. We love that. It’s why we often leave these little moments in our films. We are also indebted to our performers, all handpicked for their charisma and natural body shapes. You may be interested to know the characters they play all undergo the ‘dinner party test’. They must be someone you’d be extremely happy to sit next to for an evening and enjoy flirting with. The more it feels like it could really happen the more of a turn on it becomes. Are you getting excited yet?